Low iPhone App Creation Cost

Sell your content worldwide!

With the APPLYIA STUDIO's Content Application Template (CAT), emerging and professional graphic artists, musicians, writers, and various other creators can easily and with low-cost build an all-new iPhone application and share to over 80 countries world-wide.

For individuals/ companies looking to create an iPhone app

Creating an iPhone app requires programming development, submission, app registration procedure, and other complicated procedures.

Use APPLIYA STUDIO services to make app development painless

By using our services, all troublesome paperwork will be taken care of by APPLIYA STUDIO. Simply prepare all the materials needed for the app, and you can release the app in no time.

Concentrate only on creating quality content, and we will do the rest for you.

Complete Support Foundation

Bi-weekly summary of app downloads

With Apple's download summary, we provide you with up-to-date, detailed download data. A visual report of fluctuation in downloads (daily/weekly) and number of downloads based per country will also be provided. Furthermore, the national flags on the data is a visual representation of the apps popularity.

A Reliable Social Network Feature with High Publicity

By using our social networking features on your app, you can allow users to post a small image of your app on Facebook, post high scores on Twitter, and receive free publicity of your app through the user's friends list.

Through Facebook, we can provide "widgets" - a term used for Facebook apps- such as memory games and shuffle games. Utilizing the Facebook games gives a wider range of publicity and a chance for your iPhone app to be noticed. The best part is that this service is offered to you free of charge.

Free use of the Social App Server

For CATs which utilize a social app server, we do not charge any additional utility fee. Therefore, you can choose any CAT (with a social networking utility or not) without having to worry about added fees.

Provide support for registration processes, management of sales data, and more!

APPLIYA STUDIO will provide full support for you - from submission of your app to Apple, collecting net sales data, and processing complicated and troublesome paperwork.